⭐️ Golden retriever social ⭐️
Join us on the 12th of September at 6pm for our next breed social!
📍Book HERE!
Details include:
✨ Off-lead play session in our secure field
✨ Limited spaces
✨ Cute family photo ops
✨ Paddling pool
✨ £5.50 per dog
✨Prior reservation only (non-refundable)
Our Rules apply, found on our website and field entrance, specifically:
✨No entire male dogs over 12 months or females in season
✨Not suitable for reactive dogs
✨Fully vaccinated
✨You will be responsible for your dogs and any guests whilst at the event
✨ Dogs repeatedly causing an issue will politely be asked to leave
Easily accessible from Newport and Cardiff!
#dogsocial #puppy #goldenretriever #farm #offlead #walkingfield